If you share your know-how on the net, it can increase the way readers view your site. If you brand your self as an expert it can gain attention from the web audience and they will trust your knowledge and implement this knowledge and they will return to your site to get information from you about the subject you are manifesting your self as an expert. The credibility will increase if you are sharing your knowledge. Article marketing is a
hypnotic SEO method to let other people know what you want to share and this way you can get traffic again and again.
When you publish the article to an article website, then it is the best to add a link to your website, when ever a person want to re-publish an article from an article website, this person have to include a backlink to the site of the author.
For example my resource box looks like this: I am PraShawn Jackson. For the best SEO methods my check out my site.
Searchengineoptimizatio4you.com it is the place to be for tips and more traffic building information. Feel free to reprint my articles.
publishing your site to article directories has two advantages, which is it will be read by the visitors, if the web masters feel like it has something valuable to offer to the readers, they will publish it on their site and with a link to your website. This way you can build traffic to your website and it is possible to build backlinks. This will increase the
link popularity and will increase the position of the page rank. The strength of article marketing lies in the fact how much useful information an article contains.
For your articles to spread over the net, you must focus on what appeals to web masters and the readers. It is important to grab the attention of the readers and getting them to the resource box. Most of the readers decide within 30 seconds if they stay or leave your site. Attention grabbing and holding the readers attention can get the readers to the resource box.
HERE BELOW YOU CAN FIND SOME TIPS TO WRITE AN ATTENTION GRABBING ARTICLE1. CATCHY TITLE IS EVERLASTING.Your title is the first thing the readers view, when they run through the list of articles on an article directory. Words like 'how to', '10 ways to' are 'Successful' are the attention grabbing titles. Try to make the readers curious by adding a catchy title to the article.
You might write an article to promote a product or an service, if this the case, avoid being commercial, highlight the benefits of the information, if it reads like an add you are exaggerating they will
immediately leave your site and they would not return. Offering helpful information is the best way to gain attention and exciting them with the information to make them implement your knowledge is the challenge.
3. AVOID GIMMICKS Honest is the best policy and if you tell straight up and down the truth about your service or the product you are providing to the readers. Emphasize the benefits they can get from the service or the product to reach their goals, on the web there are adds that say 'make 100.000,00 dollars daily', but they do not tell you how long you have to work to get you there. These are gimmicks, there might be some sort of truth in it. Be realistic paint a reachable goal with your article to the reader.
4. ARTICLE SHOULD NOT BE TOO LONG OR TOO SHORTMake your article is to the point make sure it is jam packed with information, if you can give tips within few hundred words. It is very useful the readers will go to your site check out what the site is about and if web masters find it useful they will re-print the article then you got a one way link to site.
SEO techniques are essential to get ranked on the first page of the search engine such as MSN, Google or Yahoo. You can not afford to dismiss these SEO techniques and expect to rank high in the search engines. If you implement these techniques properly it will help to raise the SERPs (Search engine results positions) of the website, it will increase the amount of traffic and you will get amount of quality incoming links form other websites.
Most of the traffic comes from search engines, these are targeted traffic. If your site wants to get found in the search engines you will need high SERP. When a surfer type in a certain keyword or a keyword phrase, your site will appear on the first page of the search engine When you have a high SERP. Getting featured on the tenth page will not give you enough amount of traffic, if you are running a business this can cost you sales and that means you are not getting enough prospects to convert them into customers.
THESE TECHNIQUES CAN GET YOU HIGHER SERPS1. DOMAIN NAMES AND FILE NAMESChoose a domain name, which contains the main keyword. If want to launch a site about forex trading. you can choose a domain name with www.realforextrading.com. This domain name contains the keyword and there is a better chance to get ranked higher in the search engines. The best is to choose a domain name, which is easy to spell and remember. It is also wise to choose a domain name with alpha numeric characters, no hyphens this will give you the optimum results.
2. EASY TO THINK KEYWORDSThese keywords are used to find your website on the net. If a person is looking for an Iphone, this person will enter a keyword phrase buy an Iphone online or Iphone dealers. If you happen to sell Iphones the best is to enter keyword synonyms to your site. The best is to use keywords from the page you are linking to.
3. KEYWORD DENSITYKeyword density means basically how many times a keyword appear on a particular web page. High keyword density is considered as spam. Do not get your site black listed using the same keyword over and over again. Search engines have a created an eye for this kind of stuff, when it comes to high keyword density. You can place the keywords on the top of the page and in every paragraph. Check your sites keyword density for free.
Click here go to the page.
4. WRONG SEO TECHNIQUESUsing the wrong SEO techniques can get you black listed on the search engines. Some techniques are seen as spam such as cloaking, invisible texts, tiny texts, identical pages, doorway pages, refresh pages, link farms, filling comment tags only with keyword, using keyword phrases in the author tags can harm your site. Mirror pages and mirror sites can hurt your site and eventually get black listed. It is called black hat SEO techniques. It is possible to see results on the short term on the long run it only can give you harmful consequences to your site's rankings.
wrong SEO can cost you money and effort.
5.CONSTRUCT YOUR TITLES AND DESCRIPTIONSGive every page a title, which contains few of the keywords at the begin. When a visitor finds your site the first thing they read is the page title. Within 30 seconds they decide to stay or navigate away from your site, to grab the readers attention each page's title should be well thought. The description must contain at least few keywords and the also the first sentence should contain a keyword.
6. THE AUTHORS BIOGRAPHYAt the bottom of your page you should introduce your self and state your companies name. This way you can brand your self as an expert in the field and you can build your companies name. First of all you can let people know your name and the service you offer or the product you are offering. You can let the visitors know how long you are running a business. And back ground history of your company.
7. WEBSITE DESIGNThe website design is important is quite important, because this can make the visitors come back and having a user-friendly site, where the visitors easily can find the information they need and if it is easy to navigate through people will be more likely to buy your product or your service.
8. THE SITES INTERLINKSThere should be a navigation bar with links of site's pages. This means that you got to place links on every page of the site that links with each other. This will make your site more user-friendly. This way you can make sure that the secondary pages also get spiders to 'crawl' your site. Having brokenlinks on the index page can harm your sites rankings.
9.INBOUND LINKS Having inbound links can make you site reach higher rankings. More the merrier. If the sites with high rankings would link to your site. Your website rankings will increase. There are methods to get links that point to your site. In the SEO world people call these links backlinks.
Click here how to learn to get backlinks.
I hope these information is useful, if you have more SEO ideas plaese leave a comment. I am happy to read your comment and willing to learn new things.